OneSimCard’s IoT Service in the USA Now Combines all 3 Major Carriers: AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile to Provide the Best Overall Coverage

OneSimCard IoT SIM USA Coverage
Combining AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile on a Single SIM Ensures the Greatest Coverage & Unsurpassed Redundancy in the USA

OneSimCard IoT, a Global leader in IoT connectivity, is excited to announce the launch of a new SIM card connectivity solution for the United States market which combines all three major carriers in the USA: AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for data and SMS access on a single SIM card solution. This solution gives customers, who have connectivity requirements in the USA, full redundancy on the country’s 3 largest networks.

Having this access on a single SIM is critical because there is no need for a dual SIM device or guessing which SIM is best for a particular area. OneSimCard IoT also doesn’t “steer” traffic to a particular network. When the no steering SIM card is inserted and activated, the customer’s device is allowed to determine the best network to use at that time and location. Because this single SIM card solution includes AT&T, Verizon, & T-Mobile, the coverage options are tremendously expanded. 

This OneSimCard IoT SIM card connectivity solution also offers data and SMS service in over 160 countries worldwide with many countries offering redundant networks. This global SIM operates on a single APN and on OneSimCard IoT’s powerful OSCAR SIM Management platform, making multi-country deployments simple.

OneSimCard OSCAR Prepaid Account Overview Video Now Available

OneSimCard IoT Connectivity pricing plans fall into 2 general categories: Pay-as-you-go (Prepaid) & Pooled with offer rates as low as $0.01/MB in both categories.

Prepaid accounts are perfect for those who are uncertain of their data consumption needs, or where individual IoT devices consume a vastly different amount of data per month.

With prepaid accounts, each SIM is funded from an existing balance on the account. The SIM billing can be set-up in 2 ways: Pay-As-You-Go per MB or with a discount plan starting at 5MB per SIM. Each SIM can have a different plan giving you a tremendous amount of flexibility in your deployment.

In this video:

Dashboard 00:00​
SIM Cards Settings 1:33
SIM Card Alarms 5:10​
SIM Card Activation Templates 5:39​
Billing 6:07​
Reports 7:14 ​
VPN 7:40
Admins 8:10​
Profile 8:32
Rates 8:41
Help / Support 8:52

Learn more about Global IoT SIM Card connectivity solutions including Pooled and Pay-As-You-Go account, APN, VPN, Static IP’s and IMEI Lock at

Learn more about OneSimCard OSCAR IoT SIM Platform here.

OneSimCard OSCAR Pooled Account Overview Video Now Available

OneSimCard IoT Connectivity pricing plans fall into 2 general categories: Pay-as-you-go (Prepaid) & Pooled with offer rates as low as $0.01/MB in both categories.

IoT connectivity clients choose Pooled accounts when they have a general idea about their data usage and their IoT devices require a similar amount of cellular data traffic. Data in this category of plans pools across all active devices on the account.

Each active SIM contributes an equal amount of data into the pool. Plan sizes can range from 50KB to 50TB per SIM– simply tell us what you need, and we will design a custom plan for your particular project.

In this video:

Dashboard 00:00
SIM Cards Settings 1:03
SIM Card Alarms 3:23
SIM Card Activation Templates 3:38
Billing 4:04
Reports 4:38
VPN 5:05
Admins 5:35
Profile 6:04
Rates 6:10
Help / Support 6:37

Learn more about Global IoT SIM Card connectivity solutions including Pooled and Pay-As-You-Go account, APN, VPN, Static IP’s and IMEI Lock at

Learn more about OneSimCard OSCAR IoT SIM Platform here.


OSCAR App now available on iOS!

1SIM IoT App

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the OneSimCard IoT App for iOS devices!

The IoT App allows you to have access to most of the OSCAR functions right from your iOS device. The App is currently available at no cost in the App Store. Download it today and take OSCAR with you anywhere! The Android OSCAR App is also available and can be downloaded from the Google Play here.

To learn more about 1SIM IoT app for IoT and M2M card management, visit the 1SIM IoT page.

Lean more about the OSCAR IoT SIM Card Management platform here.

Set a Future Date for Blocking & Deactivating (Removing) an IoT SIM Card

Schedule SIM Card Deactivation or Removal

Often times, you might have a device where there is a date in the future when you want the SIM to be Blocked or Deactivated/Removed from the account, and managing these dates can be a huge challenge. To address this need, we have added functionality in the OSCAR Platform to set a date for these functions.

Possible use cases include:

    • You have an end customer with one of your devices who pays on a “subscription” basis, e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually, etc. and you want the device to only work while their account is in good standing;
    • You have a device that is meant for a project for a set time period and you want to shut it off automatically at the end of the project timeframe;

You can find this feature in the SIM Settings tab of OSCAR (SIM CARDS>Settings of the SIM), or in the batch operation menu at the bottom of the SIM card page. This function is available in both PAYG and Pooled account types. We are also expecting to add this function to our API list as well. Look for this in the coming months.

Lean more about the OSCAR IoT SIM Card Management platform here.

Using Templates to Activate or Update Existing SIM Card Settings

IoT SIM Settings Template
Use Default or Create Your Own IoT SIM Settings Templates

We were asked by a number of customers to allow the use of pre-configured templates when activating SIM cards because some of the settings are the same based on a particular use case. The use case may differ across all of your SIM cards, though, and it would be useful to select a previously created template to activate a new SIM card which will update all of the appropriate settings on the SIM including

For PAYG Accounts:

  • Enable Auto-recharge with pre-defined amounts, limits, and SIM minimum balance
  • Set Device Model Type
  • Set User Name (many clients use this for their customer name, or device location, or IMEI of the device, etc.…think of this as a “nickname” for the SIM card)
  • Set an initial balance on the SIM Card
  • Assign a Discount Data Plan on the SIM card
  • Assign Static IP address (of enabled on your account
  • Set notification if the balance of the SIM card goes below a certain amount

For Pooled Accounts:

  • Set Device Model Type
  • Set a monthly Data Limit
  • Set End User Name
  • Assign Static IP address

You can save as many templates as you need so ensure you can activate a SIM with all of the appropriate settings for that SIM with a single click. You can also choose as many of the available fields as you wish; use them all or use only one…it’s completely in your hands!

What’s more, you can use this feature to update existing SIMs on your account. Once you have at least one template saved on your account, simply

  1. Select the SIM cards you want to update;
  2. Choose the “Apply SIM Activation Template” option from the batch operation menu at the bottom of the SIM Card page;
  3. Choose the template you want to use!

Digi-Key and OneSimCard Announce Distribution Partnership to Enable IoT Providers & Manufacturers with International Connectivity

Digi-KeyDigi-Key Electronics and Boston based OneSimCard IoT have partnered to provide a turn-key global cellular connectivity solution for IoT product manufacturers and IoT services providers.

Boston, Massachusetts, USA – Today, OneSimCard IoT and Digi-Key Electronics are excited to announce their strategic distribution partnership. In this partnership, OneSimCard will provide international IoT SIM card connectivity solutions for Digi-Key’s IoT hardware customers. OneSimCard’s solution includes 2FF/3FF/4FF & MFF2 SIM form factors which operate over OneSimCard’s OSCAR SIM Management portal. Some other solutions offered include Private APN, VPN, Static IP, IMEI Locking.

OneSimCard IoT’s non-steering SIM solution provides 2G/3G/4G LTE//Cat M & Cat M-1, connections in over 160 countries with one APN for easy deployment anywhere.

In most countries, there are multiple cellular networks available providing both redundancy and guaranteed best coverage available. Customers can choose simple, flexible, and cost-effective data plans, both Pooled and Pay-As-You-Go plan types, that suit their needs and with no long-term commitments.

New API Command Available for Pooled Accounts

As of October 6, 2020 we upgraded the API command document to
include setting data limits on Pooled accounts. If you are using API integration to the OSCAR portal, you will now be able to set the upper limit for a SIM card through this integration.

Please refer to the API documentation in the Help section of the OSCAR Platform for the complete list of API commands.

New Account Notification Feature Now Available in OSCAR

In a continuing effort to provide unsurpassed service and control over your account,  we launched a new “Alarm” feature in the OSCAR platform. This feature is available in both Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) accounts and Pooled Data accounts with slight differences based on account type.

PAYG Account Alarms

Each category (Data Use, Data Packages, Money Use, SMS Use, Voice Use) has particular Alarms which can be configured. For example, the “Data Use” category has these Default Alarms available:

  • SIM cards with data usage for the past 7 above 0.5MB

  • SIM cards with no data usage for the last days

  • SIM cards with no usage (data and SMS) for the 1 days

and the “Data Packages” has these categories available:

  • SIM cards with Data Package used up before the package renewal date

  • SIM cards with data packages used 10% of package data

Pooled Account Alarms

For Pooled Data accounts, the current Default  Alarms are:

  • SIM cards sends 10 SMS within 1 days

  • SIM cards with data usage for the past 7 above 0.5MB

  • SIM cards with no data usage for the last 1 days

  • SIM cards with no usage (data and SMS) for the last days

  • SIM cards with the usage 10% over allotment

  • SIMs roaming outside of countries of data pool

Once enabled, you will receive an email to the Master Admin email address as well as a notification on the new “Alarms” tab which will appear in the main menu of OSCAR. We tried to create what we thought were the most important and pertinent Alarms. If there are alarms you think would be helpful, please send us any suggestions to