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IoT Solutions

OneSimCard M2M is a leading provider of M2M / IoT services in over 160 countries. We specialize in providing solutions both to enterprise users and IoT device manufacturers & distributors. For both groups, OneSimCard M2M offers the premium Global IoT SIM Card. This IoT SIM card features network redundancy in most countries and “No Steering” to less expensive networks.

In most major countries, OneSimCard M2M offers roaming on 2 or more wireless partner networks. The OneSimCard IoT SIM Card is programmed to register on the available network that offers the best signal strength. This is very different from other companies who usually have their IoT Roaming SIM cards register on the less expensive network available. In this way, the OneSimCard IoT platform assures that its users are always connected to the best available network.  For both mobile and fixed location applications, OneSimCard IoT platform and the Global IoT SIM Card are truly an industry leading choice. 

The OneSimCard M2M Global IoT SIM Card and the OneSimCard IoT platform were developed for many key IoT industry segments where OneSimCard M2M offers advanced IoT solutions and expertise. These segments include:

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