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Meter Monitoring

Worldwide IoT metering monitoring applications for electricity, water, gas and oil are all dramatically growing. Government, utilities and individuals all have a very large interest in reducing energy costs, increasing efficiency, conserving energy and reducing carbon emissions. The next few years promise ever more IoT/ M2M utilities monitoring solutions.

In this market segment, OneSimCard M2M works with both utilities and device manufacturers & distributors.  For utilities OneSimCard solutions included embedded SIMs of industrial strength, both data and SMS texting services, a professional administrative management portal and very flexible pricing per metering application.  For OEMs and distributors which are marketing metering products directly to consumers, OneSimCard M2M offers the complete product solution with immediate IoT connectivity

For both utilities and OEMs & distributors, OneSimCard provides custom designed flexible data & SMS text messaging plans which take into account the forecasted monthly usage per M2M SIM card.

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