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Whether it is a smart watch, a  child / elderly tracker or a medical monitoring device, M2M / IoT connectivity is often key to its optimal functionality. As the OneSimCard M2M  Global IoT SIM Card is a international Roaming SIM, it is ideally suited to support GPRS / GSM wearables worldwide.

As wearables are a consumer electronics product, a key to customer satisfaction and gratification is a complete product which works straight out of the box. This is especially important in consumer IoT segments as many people simply will not buy an M2M consumer product if they are not offered service connectivity and service costs at the point of sale.

OneSimCard M2M / IoT works with device manufacturers & distributors to install worldwide connectivity in to their products so that consumers can immediately enjoy and utilize their new wearable. In what is truly a win–win situation, consumers no longer need to search for a service provider and manufacturers & distributors  can offer the complete solution.

In addition, the OneSimCard M2M Global IoT SIM Card is an excellent fit for wearables as it offers premium worldwide M2M services with over 325 network roaming partners.

Wearable device manufacturers & distributors may choose to pre-pay for a small amount of airtime and then allow their customers to purchase additional airtime subscriptions directly from OneSimCard M2M. OneSimCard M2M  also implements “White Label” solutions where device manufacturers & distributors can directly manager their customer base. In addition, OneSimCard offers wearable IoT product OEMs and distributors after sale customer support options.

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