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IP Filtering On Your IoT SIM Card

IoT SIM Card with IP Filtering Feature Some IoT projects require IoT SIM cards to only have the ability to send data to particular IP addresses for security reasons. Think about Credit Card processing as an example. You want to be sure that the details of the credit card only go the IP address to which you intend it. While this is a simplified way of thinking about IP filtering, there are a vast number of reasons why this level of security is important because sending your data to the wrong IP address could be very costly & potentially dangerous.

Our IP Filtering solution ensures that the IoT SIM card can only send data to the IP addresses you want. The process is as easy as giving us the IP addresses you want on the accepted list (whitelist) and we will supply you special IoT SIM cards that will only send data to those allowed IP addresses. You can also add new allowed IP addresses and delete allowed IP addresses at any time without having to replace the SIMs.

If you are interested in learning more, contact us and one of our IoT Experts will be in touch to set up a call to discuss in full detail.

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