Home  / OneSimCard M2M Data rates 
This category of plans is perfect for clients who are uncertain of their data consumption needs, or where individual IoT devices consume a vastly different amount of data per month. Each SIM is funded from an existing balance on the account.
The SIM can either be set up as Pay-As-You-Go per MB or with a discount plan starting at 5MB per SIM. Each SIM can have a different plan giving you a tremendous amount of flexibility in your deployment.
This category of plans is ideal for clients who have a general idea of their average data consumption needs and all of their IoT devices tend to require a similar amount of cellular data traffic. Data in this category of plans pools across all active devices on the account. Each active SIM contributes an equal amount of data into the pool. Plan sizes can range from 50KB to 50TB per SIM– simply tell us what you need and we will design a custom plan for your particular project.
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