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Using Virtual Private Network (VPN) for IoT

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN provides even further extension of the security for your
IoT application by removing the access to your IoT SIM card(s) from the public internet. As the name
implies, it creates an isolated network that is terminated in your office or your control center and
can work as an extension of the private APN (Access Point Name) bringing the network through the
private tunnel directly to you. To access the private mobile network, a VPN router must be installed
on your backend (on premises or cloud).

It is recommended to have VPN installed on the network of M2M/IoT SIM cards/devices when there

• Higher than usual security concerns around your IoT Solution
• A large fleet of devices in the field controlled from a single location
• Requirements for bi-directional, proactive communication with devices in the field, including the
need for Port Forwarding.

VPN requires a private APN, but Private APN and VPN are two parts required to
create a complete private network and thus creates the most secure solution.
VPN service includes Static IPs to be able to address each device on the network


VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN provides even further extension of the security for your
IoT application by removing the access to your IoT SIM card(s) from the public internet. As the name
implies, it creates an isolated network that is terminated in your office or your control center and
can work as an extension of the private APN (Access Point Name) bringing the network through the
private tunnel directly to you. To access the private mobile network, a VPN router must be installed
on your backend (on premises or cloud) or, at least a VPN software solution like OpenVPN should be
implemented on your PC.


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